A Calibre Grading “F Class” Sweepstake Shoot
Like Versus Like (FLYER)
(.22 v .22) (6MM v 6MM) (6.5 & 7mm v 6.5 & 7mm) (.308 V .308)
To be held at the Maryborough Rifle Range 293 Walker Street, Maryborough Qld 4650.
Saturday 16th July 2022 – 9:00am Walk up Start
- 2 x 700yrd matches Saturday Morning
- 2 x 500yrd matches Saturday Afternoon
- Other Disciplines will be welcome for the 500 Yard Saturday Afternoon.
Sunday 17th July – 8:00am Start
- 2 x 600yrd matches
Catering will be provided.
- Each match will consist of 2 x sighters and 10 x count (60 counters in total for the event)
- All matches to be shot on Silver Mountain Targets
- Nomination Fees – Saturday $40, Sunday $25 or $60 for both days.
- Prize money to be determined depending on entries
- The management committee reserves the right to change the program
- The matches are shot under NRAA Standard Shooting Rules.
- More information: : $40 Saturday, $25 Sunday or $60 for both days