Clermont OPM (4 – 5 May 2024)
4 – 5 May 2024
Disciplines: Target Rifle (A,B & C), F-Open, F-Standard (A & B), FTR, Sporter/Hunter (Standard & Open).
Nomination: $100 per competitor.
Prizes: Grand aggregate badges, range/daily aggregate medallions plus other quality prizes.
Contact Details:
Email – clermontrifle@yahoo.com.au
President – Jan Thornhill 0408 980 939
Captain – Ben Fouche 0417 509 020
Secretary – Antonio Teepa 0407 118 748
Facilities: Camping is free, showers available, motels available in Clermont (10-minute drive from range entrance). Please note: There are no powered sites, however generators are welcome.
Catering: Friday light BBQ: Saturday: Continental breakfast, lunch and dinner: Sunday: an Aussie breakfast and lunch.
Registration: Please advise the club of your intention to attend the Clermont OPM by Friday the 19th of April so that numbers for catering purposes can be finalised.
General Information:
➢ Competition will be shot on ‘Shotmarker’ electronic targets.
➢ SSR’s will apply.
➢ SID number and firearms license must be produced when entering.
➢ Open to QRA/NRAA affiliated rifle club members.
➢ Sporter / Hunter Class – NRAA Rules will apply.
➢ Clermont RC Committee reserves the right to make changes to this programme
- More information (URL):: https://qldrifle.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/CLERMONT-RIFLE-ASSOCIATION-INC-OPM-2024.pdf