Home Events Teams Eric Murray Shield (Coached Teams)

Eric Murray Shield (Coached Teams)

Between – DDDRA – MDRA – SEDRA

The MDRA are calling nominations for teams in three categories – Target Rifle, F Class (any combination of F Class with scores calculated using the MSCI table) and Composite (any combination of Target Rifle and F Class with scores calculated using the MSCI table). We are encouraging each DRA to nominate multiple teams in each category. Each DRA will include their best Target Rifle team score PLUS their best of either their F Class teams or Composite teams in the competition for the Shield.

TEAM COMPOSITION: Each team will have five shooters plus or including a coach.

RANGES: 2 sighters 15 counting shots over 900 and 1,000 yards.

LUNCH: A BBQ lunch available for all shooters and volunteers (included in the cost).

NOMINATIONS: All nominations are to be submitted to the QRA. The QRA will distribute nomination forms in the near future.

TEAM SELECTION: The MDRA Management Committee will be responsible for team selection.

Regards Pam Kraut



25 Jul 2021


8:00 am - 1:00 pm


Duncan Range
Belmont Shooting Complex, 1485 Old Cleveland Road, Belmont QLD 4153

Duncan Range




MDRA Clubs - Metropolitan District Rifle Club - located at the Belmont Shooting Complex, 1485 Old Cleveland Road, Belmont. Shoot from the Duncan Range.