Phoenix Shoot


The Phoenix Club will commence their shooting programme for 2025 on Thursday 23rd January. The format has changed for this year with shooting to commence every Thursday at 8.00am at 1000ys, with 2 Stages permitted.

Shooting always commences at 8.00am at 1000yds. Last shooters on the mound by 10:00am. This range closes no later than 10:30am. (subject to change if required)

There will be a short break while ET staff set up next range.

The second range (the advertised MDRA range for the following Saturday) commences no later than 11:00am. Range will remain open until all those onsite have completed their shoots and those registered for the day have completed their shoots.

This change will occasionally result in shooting a double 1000yds programme.

With the popularity of 2024, Phoenix shoot will provide all shooters the opportunity to have a regular shoot at the formidable 1000yds.

Country shooters have the opportunity to attend, possibly by camping at the QRA on the Wednesday evening and being able to drive home in daylight after shooting the 2 ranges.

The cost will be $16:00 for the day or part thereof.

Shooters may register on-line prior to the event, otherwise you will be invoiced by the QRA after the event.

Shooters should report to the Range Officer if unsure of any procedures.


20 Feb 2025


8:00 am - 1:00 pm


Duncan Range
Belmont Shooting Complex, 1485 Old Cleveland Road, Belmont QLD 4153

Duncan Range