Phoenix Shoot – Thursday
The Phoenix Club will commence their shooting programme for 2024 on Thursday 18th January. The format has changed for this year with shooting to commence every Thursday at 8.00am at 1000ys, with 2 Stages permitted.
Last shooters at the 1000yds must be on the firing point and be ready to shoot by 10:00am.
At the conclusion of the 1000yds shoot there will be a short break to allow the range to be reset. There will then be another double shoot at the same range scheduled in the MDRA programme for the Duncan Range on the following Saturday. Shooters will again be permitted 2 Stages at this range.
This second shoot is scheduled to commence at 11:00am as per the previous Phoenix program, with last shooters down by 1:30pm and range closure by 2:00pm.
This change will occasionally result in shooting a double 1000yds programme.
With the popularity of the monthly 1000yds during 2023, the change in format of the Phoenix shoot has been made to provide all shooters the opportunity to have a regular shoot at the formidable 1000yds.
This change in format may also provide country shooters the opportunity to attend, possibly by camping at the QRA on the Wednesday evening and being able to drive home in daylight after shooting the 2 ranges.
The cost will be $16:00 for the day or part thereof.
Shooters may register on-line prior to the event, otherwise you will be invoiced by the QRA after the event.
Shooters should report to the Range Officer if unsure of any procedures.