Marty realised a true passion for the sport and its people

Marty was introduced to Natives Rifle Club by Andrew Mayfield from Ipswich and District Rifle Club after doing a LongShot event (as part of the GIVEITASHOT Program) at Belmont. 

Being terminally ill, Marty’s original aim was ticking off his bucket list. After doing pistol, shotgun and axe throwing, long-range rifle shooting was next on the list. It became his passion and fellow shooters became his friends and extended family. It seemed the perfect fit – and it was.

Natives members (and the broader shooting community) helped Marty touch his dreams. Equally, Marty had a burning desire to be an active member: helping with the clubhouse extension, weekly range setup, competing in fixtures and a prize meet! Marty was truly an active member of the shooting community – not just Natives.

Finding Natives

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Martyn Pont from Natives Rifle Club wins the Memorable Moment during the 2020 Awards of Excellence Community Initiatives of Shooting Australia

Finding Natives

Marty was introduced to Natives Rifle Club by Andrew Mayfield from Ipswich and District Rifle Club after doing a LongShot event (as part of the GIVEITASHOT Program) at Belmont. 

Being terminally ill, Marty’s original aim was ticking off his bucket list. After doing pistol, shotgun and axe throwing, long-range rifle shooting was next on the list. It became his passion and fellow shooters became his friends and extended family. It seemed the perfect fit – and it was.

Natives members (and the broader shooting community) helped Marty touch his dreams. Equally, Marty had a burning desire to be an active member: helping with the clubhouse extension, weekly range setup, competing in fixtures and a prize meet! Marty was truly an active member of the shooting community – not just Natives.

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Martyn Pont from Natives Rifle Club wins the Memorable Moment during the 2020 Awards of Excellence Community Initiatives of Shooting Australia

We say good-bye to Marty

On Saturday the 6th of November 2021, we took the final shot for our friend Martyn Pont during the final fixtures for the year on the Duncan Range, Belmont. 

Shooters thanks for joining with us to remember Marty Pont. Welcome to Marty’s wife Kristy and family.

A little over 12 months ago Marty was introduced to Natives by Andrew Mayfield from Ipswich Rifle Club who was training at a QRA Come and Try morning which Marty attended. Marty made us aware of his terminal illness and his desire to tick off a bucket list item of joining a rifle club. All the Natives welcomed Marty to the club and set about making his time with us as enjoyable as possible. It wasn’t long before the bucket list item was replaced with a genuine passion for the game we all love.

Whilst the members were always there for Marty he didn’t like a fuss. Instead he contributed to our membership and club culture in ways we probably wouldn’t have identified with had it not been for his burning desire to be an active member. One lasting legacy of his membership is that he made us  look out for each other in ways we may not have in the past.

Right from the outset Marty was a man on a mission and I have to acknowledge Marty’s friend Matt Cecil who facilitated the acquisition of all Marty’s firearms.

We have never seen such enthusiasm from one man to acquire so many firearms and discharge so many rounds. Time clearly wasn’t on Marty’s side but he became very active in club life assisting with range setup each week, competing in fixtures and assisting with building the club deck extensions. If ill health prevented him attending he was not a happy camper.

Whilst Marty was not with us for a long time he managed to touch all of the Natives and many outside the club as well. Through his passing we are diminished.

We will now fire the final shot for Marty and given it’s a fixture day we will have our youngest member Michael Ward coach Brett Clarkson.

Whilst Marty was not with us for a long time he managed to touch all of the Natives and many outside the club as well. Through his passing we are diminished.

We will now fire the final shot for Marty and given it’s a fixture day we will have our youngest member Michael Ward coach Brett Clarkson.

Whilst Marty was not with us for a long time he managed to touch all of the Natives and many outside the club as well. Through his passing we are diminished.

We say good-bye to Marty

On Saturday the 6th of November 2021, we took the final shot for our friend Martyn Pont during the final fixtures for the year on the Duncan Range, Belmont. 

Shooters thanks for joining with us to remember Marty Pont. Welcome to Marty’s wife Kristy and family.

A little over 12 months ago Marty was introduced to Natives by Andrew Mayfield from Ipswich Rifle Club who was training at a QRA Come and Try morning which Marty attended. Marty made us aware of his terminal illness and his desire to tick off a bucket list item of joining a rifle club. All the Natives welcomed Marty to the club and set about making his time with us as enjoyable as possible. It wasn’t long before the bucket list item was replaced with a genuine passion for the game we all love.

Whilst the members were always there for Marty he didn’t like a fuss. Instead he contributed to our membership and club culture in ways we probably wouldn’t have identified with had it not been for his burning desire to be an active member. One lasting legacy of his membership is that he made us  look out for each other in ways we may not have in the past.

Right from the outset Marty was a man on a mission and I have to acknowledge Marty’s friend Matt Cecil who facilitated the acquisition of all Marty’s firearms.

We have never seen such enthusiasm from one man to acquire so many firearms and discharge so many rounds. Time clearly wasn’t on Marty’s side but he became very active in club life assisting with range setup each week, competing in fixtures and assisting with building the club deck extensions. If ill health prevented him attending he was not a happy camper.

Whilst Marty was not with us for a long time he managed to touch all of the Natives and many outside the club as well. Through his passing we are diminished.

We will now fire the final shot for Marty and given it’s a fixture day we will have our youngest member Michael Ward coach Brett Clarkson.

Whilst Marty was not with us for a long time he managed to touch all of the Natives and many outside the club as well. Through his passing we are diminished.

We will now fire the final shot for Marty and given it’s a fixture day we will have our youngest member Michael Ward coach Brett Clarkson.

Whilst Marty was not with us for a long time he managed to touch all of the Natives and many outside the club as well. Through his passing we are diminished.

About Us

The Queensland Rifle Association fosters target rifle shooting and firearms training through our clubs.   Different classes of rifle shooting are conducted by our Clubs under the Standard Shooting Rules (SSRs) of the National Rifle Association of Australia (NRAA).

NRAA Quicklinks

Our Location

Belmont Shooting Complex