Maryborough and District Rifle Club shoots weekly.
Service rifle Saturday morning and Full bore Saturday afternoon
The Maryborough rifle range has had a long military history of over a hundred years. The Defence Department has now handed the range to the Fraser Coast Regional Council. We also have a joint lease with the Maryborough Rifle and Pistol Club. The rifle range has now been redeveloped to meet the Weapons Licensing requirements.
The Maryborough Club offers electronic target shooting from 100 to 800 yards in all NRAA Target Rifle disciplines and Service Rifle formats. Shots are recorded with Silver Mountain electronics and shooters can view their shots on a tablet screen immediately! All calibers up to 8mm are acceptable with some speed and energy limitations.
Come and take your best shot! Coaching also available!
293 Walker Street Maryborough Queensland 4650
Distances shot at range
100 yards to 800 yards
When do we shoot
Service rifle Saturday morning and Full bore Saturday afternoon
How often do we shoot
All NRAA disciplines
Electronic Targets
4 Silver Mountain targets
0400 762 746
Phone - other
07 4121 3390
Come & Try
Visitors welcome