Our State Championships were conducted in August as our first official “King’s Prize” since the 1950’s. Shooting participants were over 180, making it one of our largest attendances in recent years.
It was pleasing to have our local State member, Steve Minnikin, attend the presentation and present our winners their prizes. Steve continues to be a strong supporter of only shooting sports and regularly attends activities on the range.
One of the disappointments this year was not having our badges to present to the winners. Our previous supplier was unable to supply and an alternate supplier had difficulties with logistics resulting in them arriving late. All badges have been either sent out the respective winners or have been provided to clubs for presentation at an appropriate time. QRA management and the Competition Committee will be reviewing this shortly to provide recommendations for next year along with the survey results at the meeting shortly.
Incident at Belmont
Most of you would have seen the news footage and article relating to an incident that took place at Belmont involving a member of the police being injured during training activity. The incident itself took place at the City of Brisbane Pistol Club and was managed by police at the time. As this classified as a “prescribed event” QRA are working with the COBPC (range operator), Police (the user) and Qld Govt (landowner) to follow correct reporting and review procedures to Qld. Police Weapons Licensing, to ensure Range approval and Range Standing Orders were adhered to.
This is a timely reminder to ensure that all range users (including tenants) are aware of Range Standing Orders which should reflect restrictions within the Range Approval.
Board Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan has been updated and will be communicated to the wider membership in the coming weeks. The key areas for the operational plan have been discussed with the Executive and staff.
Part of the strategic plan is looking at how we support clubs with governance and the best options of delivering these topics. We know that clubs rely on volunteers to continue to survive, the QRA wants to continue to support clubs to meet their governance and compliance requirements, by providing education sessions. We will be looking at the best way to deliver these over the coming months.
Belmont Shooting Complex
Communication Plan
The communication working group are in the process of finalising the communication rhythm, with a clear and consistent message to our members. This will be published once these items have been finalised.
Board Members visit to Regional areas
Our Board Members continue to attend OPM’s in the regions. Coupled with the Board Member presence at regional events was the recent visit of the EO, Peter Doig to the Barcaldine OPM. The EO’s attendance was received well, and Peter enjoyed his time away from the office. The Board will continue to have a presence at OPM’s as we progress to the end of the year.
Board Policies
Recently the Board has drafted and finalised a Charter and Code of Conduct. Both documents have been forwarded to the Governance Committee for consideration and comment.
Assurance Audit and Risk Committee
The Assurance Audit and Risk Committee are currently working on a body of documents that will be used to assist not only the QRA but clubs in reviewing their Incident Management Planning. This will be coupled with activities around club self-audits that will be tested with select clubs to ensure suitability in meeting the relevant compliance requirements and for ease of application.
Commemorations Committee
At the Commemorations Committee meeting in July, Bob Cramp stepped down as Chairman. Bob has been the chair since the inception of the Committee and has led the dedicated committee members to some great successes.
In particular, both the Anzac Day and Remembrance Day Services, that now incorporate the wider community as well as our shooting family. These days continue to grow in numbers, thanks to the hard work of the Commemorations Committee.
Bob has dedicated many hours to the success of the committee and for that we thank him. It is pleasing to be advised that Bob will remain as a member of the committee and continue to play a role in the Stage 2B development of the ACWM and the memorial walls. Both developments are seen by the QRA as significant to our history and the connection with the Australian Defence Force.
I’m sure you will all wish Bob the very best and hope he can get some extra time on the mound.
Upcoming Events
We are obviously in the middle of the busiest shooting period of the year. Many clubs have hosted OPM’s in the lead up and post State Championship event. We have also seen interstate events attending by our members who have acquitted themselves very well.
In the coming weeks we will have the Masters games in Maryborough and the Natives OPM followed by the Nationals held at Belmont. The weekend following the Nationals will be North Arm OPM, Wondai Remembrance Weekend and for those attending, the ACT Championships. A big calendar for all.
Finally, before the Xmas shoots start, the QRA will be holding the Remembrance Day ceremony at Belmont on the 11th of November. This is a significant day in the Commemorations calendar and as such we welcome all our members at this time.
Good luck to you all competing in any or all these events.
Yours in Shooting
Andrew McKillop
QRA Chair
The Queensland Rifle Association fosters target rifle shooting and firearms training through our clubs. Different classes of rifle shooting are conducted by our Clubs under the Standard Shooting Rules (SSRs) of the National Rifle Association of Australia (NRAA).
Belmont Shooting Complex