When you join a club, you may wonder what your membership actually means. Without you, the club and indeed the whole shooting community cannot exist. When you start shooting as a member of one of the clubs belonging to the Queensland Rifle Association (QRA), you become part of the shooting community. It consists of many organisations operating at different levels, each with their own role in delivering an environment to give the shooter (you) the opportunity to participate in the sport.
Club Level
Club volunteers are an essential part of any rifle club. Volunteers not only look after club facilities like the range, clubhouse and targets, but also carry out tasks such as coaching, scoring, and making new members feel welcome. When you are new to the sport you will learn about these tasks and when ready, you may become the one supporting a new member. But it doesn’t stop with the club.
District Level
Clubs are connected through District Rifle Associations (DRAs), which organise shooting events between regional clubs, and advocate the interests of the clubs in their own district. Involvement with a DRA is a great way to get to know other clubs and their members.
State Level
The Queensland Rifle Association (QRA) represents the clubs and their members at state level. That involves dealing not just with the management side of shooting, including governance and insurance, but also with funding, sport pathways and other club support.
National Level
The QRA is a member of the National Rifle Association of Australia (NRAA), which advocates for the sport nationally. Due to the multiple disciplines within the sport, Australia has an overarching body called Shooting Australia, which promotes all shooting sports within Australia and internationally. Think of pistol, smallbore rifle, shotgun and fullbore shooting. Some competitions, such as the Commonwealth Games, include all these sports within one event. Shooting Australia deals with organisations like the Olympic Committee and Sport Australia, and organises national events for all shooting disciplines.
International Level
The International Confederation of Fullbore Rifle Associations (ICFRA) is responsible for fullbore rifle shooting throughout the world. It is the custodian of the international rules, and is composed of the constituent National Rifle Associaions.
Together these organisations make it possible for the sport of shooting to exist. The people involved at all these levels play a crucial role. This creates the opportunity for you to go to the range for a casual or competitive shoot in a fun and safe environment. We welcome you to be part of the bigger picture, where it all starts with YOU.
Belmont Shooting Complex
The Queensland Rifle Association fosters target rifle shooting and firearms training through our clubs. Different classes of rifle shooting are conducted by our Clubs under the Standard Shooting Rules (SSRs) of the National Rifle Association of Australia (NRAA).
Belmont Shooting Complex