Located - Belmont Shooting Complex

The University of Queensland Rifle Club was established in 1913 and is a club with a proud tradition in Full Bore Target Shooting. A number of past and current members have represented their state and country both at home and overseas.
Club members have the opportunity to shoot most Saturday afternoons in distances ranging from 300 out to 1000 yards with likeminded people in a friendly and relaxed environment. Members can also compete, if they wish, against other clubs in fixture events, prize meets, and both State and National Championships.
Duncan Range, Belmont Shooting Complex, 1485 Old Cleveland Road, Belmont
Distances shot at range
300 yards to 1000 yards
When do we shoot
Saturday afternoon
How often do we shoot
TR, FSTD, FO, FTR, Sporter/Hunter
Electronic Targets
Come & Try
Contact Greg Faux
https://uqrc.org.au/come-and-try/ -
Visitors welcome