On 18 August, we commemorate Vietnam Veterans’ Day on the anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan in 1966. We remember the sacrifices of those who died and say thank you to almost 60,000 Australians who served during the 10 years of our involvement in the Vietnam War.
Over 250 people, including many Vietnam Veterans, joined as one to commemorate this day at the Duncan Range before the first shot of the QRA King’s Prize.
Lest We Forget
There are some days more than others
Where many great memories occur
And this day for our veteran brothers
Is a day of such memories for sure
On this day was the battle of Long Tan
Where many were wounded and lost
We recall too our troops leaving Vietnam
And decades they’ve counted the cost
Were lost through this terrible time
And the way that their mates were maltreated
On return was a terrible crime
And many a trouble young fellow
Took his life in the depths of despair
The horror of war reinforced
By Australians who just didn’t care
These days many wrongs have been righted
Vietnam veterans can hold their heads high
And old soldiers take shots at each other
Over the football and cricket divide
Yet amid all this good humoured banter
Let us never forget the great cost
Of the theatres of war of our history
And those young vital lives that were lost
Padre Jim Cosgrove
There are some days more than others
Where many great memories occur
And this day for our veteran brothers
Is a day of such memories for sure
On this day was the battle of Long Tan
Where many were wounded and lost
We recall too our troops leaving Vietnam
And decades they’ve counted the cost
Were lost through this terrible time
And the way that their mates were maltreated
On return was a terrible crime
And many a trouble young fellow
Took his life in the depths of despair
The horror of war reinforced
By Australians who just didn’t care
These days many wrongs have been righted
Vietnam veterans can hold their heads high
And old soldiers take shots at each other
Over the football and cricket divide
Yet amid all this good humoured banter
Let us never forget the great cost
Of the theatres of war of our history
And those young vital lives that were lost
Padre Jim Cosgrove
Belmont Shooting Complex
The Queensland Rifle Association fosters target rifle shooting and firearms training through our clubs. Different classes of rifle shooting are conducted by our Clubs under the Standard Shooting Rules (SSRs) of the National Rifle Association of Australia (NRAA).
Belmont Shooting Complex