Armistice Centenary War Memorial

We honour them

At the main entrance to the Belmont Shooting Complex lies the Armistice Centenary War Memorial (ACWM) – a place to remember the brave. 

Marking the 100th anniversary of the Armistice that ended the Great War of 1914-18, the memorial was officially opened on 11th November 2018 and consecrated by former Army chaplain Lieutenant Colonel (retired) Graeme Ramsden OAM.

Community commemorative services are conducted every ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day, however, you are most welcome to pay your respects or take the time to reflect, any day of the year.


The timing of the project was perfect. The idea of the memorial coincided with the availability of a grant from the Department of Veterans Affairs to mark the 100th anniversary of the Armistice. That allowed the QRA to begin construction, with additional financial support from the Belmont Shooting Complex Site Users’ Association (BSUA), the Management Committee of the QRA Museum and private donations.

The memorial is a work in progress. From its humble origins, it has grown from strength to strength, and improvements are continually being made as funds become available. Exciting plans are in place for further enhancement of the site.

Associated projects

The Commemorations Committee is also engaged with the QRA Museum in the following ways:

  • Build a database of the servicemen and women from QRA and other shooting clubs in the complex who served in major conflicts.
    • Complete the compilation of records for World War I and development of corresponding Honour Boards.
    • Develop and record the service of all QRA members in World War II and wars and campaigns post 1946.
  • Link the War Memorial to the precinct to display Honour Boards and relevant memorabilia.

Associated projects

The Commemorations Committee is also engaged with the QRA Museum in the following ways:

  • Build a database of the servicemen and women from QRA and other shooting clubs in the complex who served in major conflicts.
    • Complete the compilation of records for World War I and development of corresponding Honour Boards.
    • Develop and record the service of all QRA members in World War II and wars and campaigns post 1946.
  • Link the War Memorial to the precinct to display Honour Boards and relevant memorabilia.

Community involvement

The rich history of the QRA’s wartime role, and the service of men and women from all shooting disciplines in Australia’s armed forces, is a unique heritage of which all Australians can be proud. The Armistice Centenary War Memorial project has presented an incredible opportunity to share this with the wider community. 

Each year the Commemorations Committee extends a warm welcome to people living in the suburbs surrounding the Belmont Shooting Complex and to staff and students at schools in the local area, to attend the ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day commemorative services. Many of these people have a special connection with the QRA, or with a past or present member of the armed forces, so their presence at these events is especially meaningful. 

Younger members of the community are particularly encouraged to play an active role, such as by laying a wreath or by volunteering to do a Scripture reading. It was a proud moment on Remembrance Day 2021 when students from Gumdale State School and Moreton Bay College participated in the service. There are plans to foster relationships with other schools in the area and to develop stronger connections in the future through a variety of projects.

We urge the local community to feel that this memorial belongs to them. It is a special place where they can feel welcome at any time.

Visitors' experiences

Interview 1 Remembrance Day '21

Community involvement

The rich history of the QRA’s wartime role, and the service of men and women from all shooting disciplines in Australia’s armed forces, is a unique heritage of which all Australians can be proud. The Armistice Centenary War Memorial project has presented an incredible opportunity to share this with the wider community. 

Each year the Commemorations Committee extends a warm welcome to people living in the suburbs surrounding the Belmont Shooting Complex and to staff and students at schools in the local area, to attend the ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day commemorative services. Many of these people have a special connection with the QRA, or with a past or present member of the armed forces, so their presence at these events is especially meaningful. 

Younger members of the community are particularly encouraged to play an active role, such as by laying a wreath or by volunteering to do a Scripture reading. It was a proud moment on Remembrance Day 2021 when students from Gumdale State School and Moreton Bay College participated in the service. There are plans to foster relationships with other schools in the area and to develop stronger connections in the future through a variety of projects. 

We urge the local community to feel that this memorial belongs to them. It is a special place where they can feel welcome at any time.

Visitors' experiences

Friends of the Museum and War Memorial

This special site is a place for our whole community. There are many ways in which your help would be appreciated, such as participation in events and commemorative services, physical labour, helping at the museum and conducting research.

You may have skills that you would like to contribute, and we would love to hear about your interest in becoming involved. It is up to you how much time you wish to spend with us.

If you wish to contribute your time or be involved in some way, you are invited to let the Commemorations Committee know.

Friends of the Museum and War Memorial

This special site is a place for our whole community. There are many ways in which your help would be appreciated, such as participation in events and commemorative services, physical labour, helping at the museum and conducting research.

You may have skills that you would like to contribute, and we would love to hear about your interest in becoming involved. It is up to you how much time you wish to spend with us.

If you wish to contribute your time or be involved in some way, you are invited to let the Commemorations Committee know.

"Keeping the Spirit Alive"

Originally intended to honour the more than 500 Riflemen of the QRA who lost their lives during World War I, the memorial also pays tribute to the men and women of all shooting disciplines who have served in defence of the nation in all of Australia's wars and campaigns since the Boer War, including peace-keeping operations post 1946.

We honour them

The Armistice Centenary War Memorial (ACWM) is located at the main, Memorial Gate, entrance to the Belmont Shooting Complex on Old Cleveland Road, and the pillars and balustrade forming the Memorial Gate are part of the ACWM. 

The ACWM is situated in a unique bushland setting and provides a peaceful place for public commemoration and private reflection.

The honour boards disappear

With the demolition of the QRA’s indoor shooting range at Spring Hill in the 1970s, a valuable part of the history of the QRA may have been lost forever. Unfortunately, during the building demolition, the wall mounted Honour Boards bearing the names of over 560 Riflemen, who were QRA members, and who made the ultimate sacrifice in the Great War, disappeared. 

These honour boards were a significant record of the many young men who came from cities, towns and country communities from all over Queensland to enlist. They did not hesitate to answer the call to serve their country when they were needed most and many had great skills in marksmanship, horsemanship and bush craft.

Although an important honour board of the local metropolitan district, it is not the one being recreated bearing the names of the 560 riflemen who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Padre LT COL (ret'd) Graeme Ramsden OAM, Mr John Johnstone OAM,
LT COL (ret'd) Bob Cramp, Mr Richard Kenny OAM

Perpetuating their memory

In recent years a small group of current members of the QRA saw the need to perpetuate their memory, and thus the idea of the war memorial was conceived. 

In 2017, Mr John Johnstone OAM, a former President of the QRA, suggested that a new War Memorial should be constructed at the Belmont Shooting Complex, by November 2018 to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice ending The Great War of 1914-1918. Hence the name Armistice Centenary War Memorial. As the project progressed additional members with relevant expertise joined the Commemorations Committee.

Whilst the committee is tasked by the QRA Board with managing the development of commemorative sites within the Complex, it acts on behalf of all shooting clubs and associations operating within the Belmont Shooting Complex, and moreover, the broader Australian community. The committee has necessarily expanded to include community members and others with a wide range of expertise.

Paying tribute to the many

The Memorial was originally intended to honour the more than 500 Riflemen of the QRA who lost their lives during World War I.

The scope of the memorial has rightfully been expanded to also pay tribute to the many men and women of all shooting disciplines who have served in defence of the nation in all of Australia’s wars and campaigns since the Boer War, including peace-keeping operations post 1946.

Community comes together at the 2023 ANZAC Day march

Community comes together

The ACWM project plays an important role in building a strong and supportive relationship with the local community. It provides an invaluable link between the QRA, its members, and the wider community. 

The rich history of the QRA’s wartime role, and the service of men and women from all shooting disciplines in Australia’s Defence Force, is a unique heritage of which all Australians can be proud. The Armistice Centenary War Memorial project has presented an incredible opportunity to share this heritage with all users of the Complex and with the wider community.

Each year the Commemorations Committee extends a warm welcome to all site users, local residents and schools, to attend the ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day commemorative services. Many of these people find a special connection is made at the ACWM. The Committee is also working to engage our local Indigenous Community groups representing the Jagera and Turrbal people.

About Us

The Queensland Rifle Association fosters target rifle shooting and firearms training through our clubs.   Different classes of rifle shooting are conducted by our Clubs under the Standard Shooting Rules (SSRs) of the National Rifle Association of Australia (NRAA).

NRAA Quicklinks

Our Location

Belmont Shooting Complex

Queensland Rifle Association acknowledges the support of the Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport.  Through this financial support QRA is able to deliver a number of programs designed to meet the goals of Queensland Government’s Activate! Queensland Strategy.

Friends of the Museum & War Memorial

Become a Friend of the Museum and War Memorial

Please provide your details. We will then get in touch with you to discuss how you can become involved.

What does it mean to become a 'Friend of the Museum and War Memorial?

There are many ways in which your help would be appreciated, like participation in events and commemorative services, physical labour, helping out at the museum and conducting research.

You may have other skills that you would like to contribute, and we would love to hear about your strengths. It is completely up to you how much time you wish to spend with us.