As you would be aware, today the Premier announced that the strict conditions implemented for the recently impacted Local Government Areas (LGAs) will be lifted at 4pm Friday 20 August 2021, which is earlier than previously advised. The restrictions in the Cairns and Yarrabah Council areas will now align to the rest of Queensland.
Due to Queensland’s strong response, we are pleased to advise community sport and recreation will be able to recommence. While this easing of restrictions is great news for clubs, organisations and activity providers within these regions, some additional requirements will remain in place in the 11 South East Queensland LGAs to ensure the ongoing safety of Queenslanders.
In summary, from 4pm Friday 20 August 2021, community sport, including training and competition, can resume with spectators, in line with indoor and outdoor venue event requirements.
Indoor sport and recreation
Outdoor sport and recreation
Stadiums and indoor and outdoor events
The above restrictions will remain in place at least until 4pm Friday 27 August 2021. The updated roadmap for easing of restrictions has additional information about this upcoming easing of restrictions.
I appreciate that these recent restrictions have presented challenges for our sport and active recreation industry. On 2 August 2021, the Queensland Government announced the COVID-19 Business Support Grants of $5000 for eligible businesses affected by the COVID-19 lockdown in South East Queensland (SEQ) that commenced on 31 July 2021, and lockdowns in other states.
In addition to this, the Australian and Queensland Governments have reached an agreement that will see the value of the Queensland COVID-19 Business Support Grants rise from $260 million to $600 million.
As a result, specific relief for businesses and not-for-profit organisations has been made available including a $1000 one-off grant to non-employing sole traders across Queensland, and tiered payments based on payroll size for all businesses.
Applications for these grants opened on 16 August 2021, with more detailed information available online via Business Queensland, including an eligibility checker to streamline the process.
I trust that the above information will be of assistance and thank you for your cooperation throughout this recent lockdown and resulting restrictions.
Andrew Sly
Assistant Director-General
Sport and Recreation
Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport
Belmont Shooting Complex
Belmont Shooting Complex